Saint Louis de Montfort

On April 28, the universal Church celebrates the feast day of Louis-Marie de Monfort, a 17th century saint who is revered for his intense devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. St. Louis-Marie i...

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Saint Adalbert of Prague

Originally named Wojtech, the boy who would become St. Adalbert was born into a noble family in the Central European province of Bohemia in the mid-900s. When Wojtech was a young boy and fell dange...

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Saint Pope Caius I
Saint Conrad of Parzham
Saint Athanasia of Aegina
Saint Hunna

Saint Peter Gonzalez

Peter was born into a noble family in Castile, Spain, in 1190, and he became a priest as a step to high office. One Christmas Day, during a grand entrance into the city before all the townspeople, ...

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