Saint Abraham Kidunaia

In the third century, St. Abraham Kidunaia was born into a prosperous household. After earning an outstanding education, Abraham was encouraged to marry. Despite his parents' desires, he told his b...

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Saint Ursula and the Virgins of Cologne

In order to destroy the Catholic faith and violate the chastity of all young English virgins, the pagan Saxons started invading England in the fourth century. During this time, a handful of excepti...

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Saint Bertilla Boscardin
Saint Paul of the Cross
Saint Luke, Evangelist
Saint Teresa of Avila

Pope Saint John XXIII

Born Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli at Sotto il Monte, Italy on 25 November 1881, Pope John XXIII was elected Pope on October 28, 1958. He died June 3, 1963 in Rome and was beatified by Pope John Paul II...

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