Saint Benedict of Nursia

Benedict was born into a distinguished family in central Italy, studied at Rome, and early in life was drawn to monasticism. At first he became a hermit, leaving a depressing world—pagan armies on ...

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Saint William of Vercelli

William of Vercelli, Saint 1085-1142. founder, born in Vercelli Italy he was brought up as an orphan became a hermit on Monte Vergine, Italy after a pilgrimage to Compostella and attracted so many ...

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Saint John the Baptist
Saint Thomas More
Saint Vincent Kaun
Saint Teresa of Portugal
Saint Germaine Cousin
Saint Antony of Padua
Saint Barnabas

Saint Maximus of Naples

Saint Maximus was the Bishop of Naples from 359AD, who was sent into exile. Maximus was known as a great defender of the decrees of the Council of Nicaea, especially with th...

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