Saint Thomas More

On June 22, the Catholic Church honors the life and martyrdom of St. Thomas More, the lawyer, author and statesman who lost his life opposing King Henry VIII's plan to subordinate the Church to the...

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Saint Germaine Cousin

June 15 is the feast day of St. Germaine Cousin, a simple and pious young girl who lived in Pibrac, France in the late 1500s. Germaine was born in 1579 to poor parents. Her father was a farmer, and...

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Saint Columba of Iona
Saint Justin Martyr
Saint Philip Neri
Saint Bede the Venerable
Feast of Pentecost

Saint John I, Pope

On May 18, the Catholic Church honors the first “Pope John” in its history. Saint John I was a martyr for the faith, imprisoned and starved to death by a heretical Germanic king during the sixth ce...

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