Saint Joseph Cafasso

Saint Joseph Cafasso

Joseph Cafasso was born in the Piedmont town of Castelnuovo d'Asti in 1811. His parents came from a poor family. When he was only a young child, he already displayed the sanctity and apostolic zeal in which he later excelled. The typical boyish pastimes didn't hold any appeal for him. He preferred to spend his time thinking about God and would consider it a unique joy if he could participate in religious work like attending Holy Mass.

He was already referred to as a saint at the age of six. He continued to command respect as a young person in public schools and then as a student at Cheri Seminary because of his innocence, gravity, humility, adherence to the law, and fervor in prayer. He was often described as a second Aloysius Gonzaga. He completed his studies at the Turin Seminary, and in 1833 he was ordained.

Aloysius Guala, an exemplary priest, founded a seminary in connection with the church of St. Francis of Assisi in Turin not long after receiving his ordination to the priesthood. There, young priests were instructed in their sacred calling and specially equipped to combat the various errors of Jansenism—an excessive preoccupation with sin and damnation. At this school, Joseph received a position as a teacher, and after the founder passed away, he took over.

The difficult task that Father Guala had started but was unable to finish was promptly finished by Joseph as the seminary's head. Saint Joseph Cafasso revived the teachings of St. Francis de Sales and St. Alphonse Liguori, which unmistakably spelled out the path to Christian perfection, and entirely dismantled the evil beliefs of Jansenism and those of other reformers. With such consistency and faithfulness, Joseph continued this mission throughout his time as a priest, giving the impression that our heavenly Father Himself had given it to him.

In his unrelenting enthusiasm for the glory of God and the salvation of souls, Joseph used both words and deeds. He exerted every effort to encourage the adoration of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, whom he revealed to be the object of his deep love, and he never stopped pressing the faithful to approach Holy Mass every day. Since he was a young boy, he had been devoted to Our Blessed Lady, and now he wanted to encourage others to share his filial love for her.

Additionally, he showed concern for the altar ministers, whom he inspired to work even harder to win souls for Christ. As a Third Order of St. Francis member, he frequently cited this institution as the ideal society, particularly for priests who are isolated from the outside world.

His holiness and insistence on strict rules and high standards had a lasting influence on his young priest students. He served as a confessor and spiritual guide, ministered to convicts, and worked to improve their appalling living conditions.

In 1827, he met John Bosco, with whom he quickly forged a friendship. Bosco was inspired by Joseph to choose to work with boys as his vocation. Joseph served as his advisor, collaborated closely with him on his foundations, and persuaded others to support and fund the establishment of charitable organizations and religious institutions. Don Bosco founded the Society of St. Francis de Sales, also known as the Salesians, with Joseph's advice and assistance.

At the age of 49, Joseph passed away in Turin on June 23, 1860. Pope Pius XI added Saint Joseph Cafasso to the list of the Blessed in 1925, and Pope Pius XII canonized him in 1947. His relics are housed in Turin's Sanctuary of the Consolata.

He is the patron saint of prison chaplains, captives, imprisoned people and prisoners. His feast day is celebrated on June 23.

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