Saint of the Day

Saint George: Saint of the Day, April 23

The church venerates St. George on April 23. Not much is known about this much loved saint's early life.  St. George may have been born around 280 A.D into a Christian family of Cappad...

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Saint Anicetus the Pope: Saint of the Day, April 17

Saint Anicetus was a Syrian from Emesa (modern-day Homs, Syria) who became pope in 155. He was the 11th pope of the Church and was elected after Pope Saint Pius was martyred. Polycarp ...

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Saint Zeno
Saint Michael De Sanctis
Saint Mary of Egypt

Saint Dionysius

Dionysius was bishop of Corinth under Emperor Marcus Aurelius and was one of the most holy and zealous pastors of the Church in the second century. He was an outstanding writer among the non-Romans...

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