Saint James, Apostle

The first Apostle to be martyred was James, the brother of John the Evangelist. Herod of Agrippa ordered his beheading. The two brothers abandoned their father Zebedee and followed Jesus as soon as...

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Saint Margaret of Antioch

Saint Margaret, whose feast is celebrated on July 20, is a virgin and martyr. She is also called "Marina". Margaret belonged to Pisidian Antioch in Asia Minor, where her father was a pagan priest. ...

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Saint Arsenius the Great
Saint Camillus de Lellis
Saint Bonaventure
Saint Henry II
Saint John Gualbert

Saint Benedict

On July 11, the Catholic Church celebrates the feast of Saint Benedict of Nursia, the sixth-century abbot who gave Christian monasticism its lasting foundation in Western Europe. For his...

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