Saint Bernard of Montjoux

Bernard was a priest in the Northern Italian region of Aosta. For more than 40 years, he travelled throughout his diocese, visiting every mountainside village and valley. He celebrated Eucharist an...

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Saint Bernardine of Siena

“The last degree of love is when He gave Himself to us to be our Food; because He gave Himself to be united with us in every way.” – Saint Bernardine of Siena A Franciscan ...

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Saint Felix Spoleto
Saint John Nepomucene
Saint Matthias
Saint Ignatius of Laconi
Saint Pachomius
Saint Agostino Roscelli
Saint Dominic Savio

Saint John Houghton

John Houghton was Catholic priest of the Carthusian order and the first martyr to die as a result of the Act of Supremacy by King Henry VIII of England. He was also the first of the Carthusians to ...

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