Saint of the Day

St. Deodatus of Nevers

From 655, St. Deodatus—also known as Die, Didier, Dieudonne, Deodat, or Adeodat—served as the bishop of Nevers, France. It is thought that he was Irish. In the Ebersheim monastery, built by Childer...

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St. Methodios I of Constantinople

St. Methodios was born into a wealthy family in Syracuse, Sicily. He arrived in Constantinople as a young man with the goal of getting a position at Court. But a monk convinced him to reconsider, s...

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Saint Antony of Padua
St. John of Sahagun
Saint Barnabas
Saint Maximus of Naples
St. Ephrem
Saint William of York
Saint Norbert

St. Boniface of Mainz

In the year 672, Winfrid, who would eventually become Saint Boniface, was born in England. His family belonged to a higher aristocracy and was well-respected and wealthy. He dedicated himself to mo...

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