Saint of the Day

Saint Peter Julian Eymard

St. Peter Julian Eymard, whose feast the Church celebrates on August 2, helped many Catholics - both clergy and laypeople - to rediscover the importance of the Eucharist. He is also considered a pi...

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Saint Alphonsa

Alphonsa was born in 1910 to a noble family in a city in Kerala, a Christian province in the southwest of India. Her mother Maria gave birth to her a month early, so from the beginning of her life,...

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Saint Panteleon
Saints Joachim and Anne
Saint James, Apostle
Saint Charbel Makhlouf
Saint Bridget of Sweden
Saint Mary Magdalene

Saint Arsenius the Great

St. Arsenius, an Anchorite, was born in 354 at Rome and died in 450 at Troe, in Egypt. Theodosius the Great, having requested the Emperor Gratian and Pope Damasus to find him in the West...

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