Saint of the Day

Saint Cajetan, Saint of the Day, 7th August

Like most of us, Cajetan seemed headed for an “ordinary” life—first as a lawyer, then as a priest engaged in the work of the Roman Curia. His life took a characteristic turn when he join...

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Saint Eusebius of Vercelli

Born on the isle of Sardinia, he became a member of the Roman clergy, and is the first recorded bishop of Vercelli in Piedmont in no...

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Saint Ignatius Loyola
Saint Maxima
Saint Martha
Saint Alphonsa
Saint Dionysius
Saint Joachim and Anne
Saint James the Greater

Saint John Boste

Saint John Boste was one of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales. In the year 1544, he was born in England's Westmoreland county of Dufton. He studied at Queen's College in Oxford, England, from ...

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