Obituary..Sister Josephine Peroni CMS

Obituary..Sister Josephine Peroni CMS

Dubai - Sister Josephine Peroni CMS (Congregation of the Comboni Missionary Sisters), who served in St Mary’s Church Dubai, was called to Eternal rest on 31st January, in Italy.

Sister Josephine has served tirelessly in the Arabian Peninsula for 60 years. She served in Bahrain during her initial tenure in the Arabian Gulf. She spent and served a major part of her life in St Mary’s Church, Dubai.

Parishioners remember her fondly as a person with a smile on her face always. Many parishioners of St. Marys Church, Dubai grew up seeing her serving the Lord with vigour, humility, and cheerfulness.

Sister Josephine was actively involved in the Catechetical department, the Choir, Altar servers Sodality, Adoration services and several spiritual services in the Church. She was always meticulous in decorating the Altar during Christmas and other Festive services. She also prepared the children during the advent/holy week.

She has inspired many to take the path she has taken, to serve the Lord and his people. She exhibited the true spirit of Christian monasticism.

Sister Josephine was a part of the Comboni Sisters who have been serving the Arabian Peninsula since 1950. The Sisters have not limited themselves to the spiritual growth of the Parish. They have been instrumental in the formation of the laity thus making it possible to reach out to people in need.

Sister Josephine passed away within a few months of being diagnosed with serious illness. However, the illness failed to take away her joy in the Lord. In the words of a fellow parishioner “even on the day of her departure from Dubai, having been diagnosed with a terminal illness, she bore the same smile that she is always remembered for.”

Her funeral will be held in Italy on 4th February at 11:45am Dubai time.

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