Romanus and Lupicinus: French saints who advocated a life of endurance

Romanus and Lupicinus: French saints who advocated a life of endurance

Daily Saints - February 28

Saint Romanus and Lupicinus were two French brothers who lived in the fifth century. At the age of thirty-five, Romanus began his life as a monk at a monastery in Lyons. Later on, he moved to Conrad, in the Jura Mountains between France and Switzerland.
Soon after his brother Lupicinus joined hm. Fascinated by their miraculous deeds, many people joined them in the monastery. As the number of disciples increased, Romanos built a new monastery in Connaught.
Later, both the brothers together founded several monasteries and spread the Christian faith. Romanus and Lupine used to sleep on wooden boards as an example of endurance. They ate only soaked bread for a long time and wore leather cloth and wooden sandals.
Many scholars accepted these brothers as their masters. Saint Romanus died in 460 AD and St. Lupicinus died twenty years later. February 28th is considered as the feast of these saints.
Other saints today

1. Pope Hilarius

2. Libio on the island of Angles

3. Cerealis, Pupulus, Chaos, and Serapion in Alexandria

4. Macarius, Rufinus, Justus, and Theophilus of Alexandria.

Daily Saints - February 29

St. Oswald was the nephew of St. Odo, Archbishop of Canterbury. Odo trained him to be the vicar of Winchester, but Oswald left that position and went to France and began his monastic life in Flory.

He returned to England in 959 and was ordained as bishop of Worcester in 962 by St. Dunstan. As bishop, Oswald worked against immorality  that existed in his church. He also built many monasteries.

This includes the famous Ramsay Monastery in Huntingdonshire. In 972, Oswald was ordained as Archbishop of York. However, due to the opposition of Elfer, King of Morsia, he placed the administration of the Church of Saint Worcester under himself to complete the renovations of the monastery he had envisioned.
Oswald worked hard not only to enhance the morals of the clergy but also to enhance their theological knowledge. The saint has written two books and several epistles of church synods. Throughout his public life he was associated with two saints,St. Dunstan and St. Ethelvold.

After the saint's death in 992,he was generally reverend along with two other saints. St. Oswald has been reverend since ancient times as one of the three saints who reformed the English monastic way of life.

Since year 2022 is not leap year, February consists of only 28days for which reason this artcle includes  saints of two days, in which one is of February 29th.

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