St. Marinus of Sisera who became a martyr for forsaking idolatry

St. Marinus of Sisera  who became a martyr for forsaking idolatry

Daily Saints - March 03

Marinus of Sisera was known for his dignified family and wealth. He was a soldier of the idolater Emperor Valerian (253-259) and his son Gallianus (260-268).

Marinus was more of a staunch Christian than a soldier. When a centurion left Roman army in 272, Marinus and one of his fellow soldiers applied for it. Marinus was the first one who got selected. Realizing this, the fellow soldier brought up the law that a centurion must worship the emperor.  Upon hearing this, the king asked Marinus to take an oath in the name of the god of idolatry before taking his position and to worship their god but he refused to do so.

Marinus admitted that he was a Christian and refused to worship their god. Emperor gave him three hours to rethink and to change his mind. Marinus spent the whole three hours with Bishop Theodosius meditating on the Holy Scriptures inside the church. Marinus’ mind did not change in three hours. As a result, Marinus was beheaded after a brutal torture in Caesarea Philippi.

St. Asterius who was the senator was also present during the persecution of St. Marinus. After the saint's assassination, Saint Asterius took off his senator's robe, spread it out on the ground, wrapped St. Marinus' body and head in it and carried the remains on his shoulders and buried them properly. For this action St. Asterius was also sentenced to death and beheaded.

Other saints of today

1. Kamilla in Ravenna

2. Kalupan in Veni

3. Ansela in Modena

4. Asterius of Sisera

5. Chele Christ, Bishop of Leinster (Cristicola)

6. Clonicus, Eutropius and Basiliscuus.

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