Russia shells Ukraine’s largest and Europe’s second largest nuclear plant

Russia shells Ukraine’s largest and Europe’s second largest nuclear plant

Kyiv: Russia shell Saparosya, Ukraine's largest nuclear power plant. The attack took place this morning. Associated Press (AP) reported, citing eyewitnesses, that fire and smoke were seen at the plant.

A spokesman for Russia, Adrienne Tussauds, told Ukrainian television that Russian shells had landed directly on the plant. One of the six reactors caught fire. He said the reactor was in a state of disrepair and it was under upgrade process but there was fuel inside. Saparosya is the second largest nuclear power plant in Europe which has been currently surrounded by Russian army.

Meanwhile, an airstrike in Chernobyl killed 22 people. The attack destroyed two schools and a private building. Ukrainian military claimed to have destroyed a cruise missile aimed at Kiwi.

One week on, the war is heading towards the biggest refugee disaster of this century. The number of refugees has crossed 10 lakh in the last one week. The UN Human Rights Commission has warned that at least 4 million people in Ukraine could flee if the situation continues.

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