Saint Zita of Lucca: Saint of the Day, April 27

Saint Zita of Lucca: Saint of the Day, April 27

St. Zita of Lucca is honored on April 27 for her humility and obedience to the will of God. She is the patron saint of maids and domestic workers.

She was born into a poor family in the 13th century. Her mother instilled strong Christian values in her and taught her to seek God’s will at all times.

At the age of twelve, St. Zita was sent to work in the home of the Fatinelli family in Lucca, Italy. She woke early in the morning to attend daily Mass, and looked upon her work as service to God. She strove to center her attention on the Lord at all times even when her hours of work were lengthy.

Although St. Zita was mistreated and even beaten while serving the household, she faced these trials with patience and humility. Eventually, the family appreciated her and she was promoted to a higher position among the staff. St. Zita continued to strengthen her spiritual life through prayer and fasting.

The Mass and Holy Communion were sources of strength and consolation for her. Whenever a person was in need, she always sought to help them.

She was canonized a saint by Pope Innocent XII in 1696.

Other Saints of the Day:
St. Felix of Nicomedia
St. Stephen of Tarsus
St. Theodore of Tabenna

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