Rome: Pope Francis reminded during Mass with the Congolese community in Rome, that Christians are called to live in Jesus and pray for the peace of those who are being killed and persecuted for holding fast to the faith. In that day he had been scheduled to preside over Mass at Ndolo Airport in Kinshasa.
As Christians, the Pope said, we cannot be content to live in mediocrity, for we are missionaries of Jesus, and we are sent into the world “with three missionary surprises that Jesus has in store for the disciples and for each of us.”
Urging the faithful not to trust in riches or fear poverty, be it material or human, Pope Francis said, “The more we are free and simple, small and humble, the more the Holy Spirit guides the mission and makes us protagonists of its wonders.”
The only fundamental “equipment”, he continued, is fraternity, “because there is no mission without fellowship. There is no proclamation that works without caring for others.”

The second surprise of mission is “the message”, the Pope said, acknowledging that it is logical to think that in order to prepare for the proclamation, “the disciples should learn what to say, study the contents thoroughly, and prepare convincing and well-articulated speeches.”
Instead, he explained, Jesus offers them only two little phrases: "Whatever house you enter, first say, "Peace be to this house!"; the second, "The kingdom of God is at hand.”
In any place, Pope Francis reiterated, the Christian is a bearer of peace, this is his or her hallmark.
Those who spread chatter and suspicion, create divisions, hinder fellowship, put their belonging before everything, are not acting in the name of Jesus, he said: “Those who foment resentment, incite hatred, or bypass others do not work for Jesus; they do not bring His peace.”
“Today, dear brothers and sisters, let us pray for peace and reconciliation in the Democratic Republic of Congo, so wounded and exploited.” Pope Francis reiterated.

“Brothers and sisters, peace begins with us; with you and me, with each person's heart.”
He told the faithful that Jesus comes if they live His peace: “Your family, your society changes. They change if first your heart is not at war, not armed with resentment and anger, not divided, double and false.”
“Put peace and order in your heart, defuse greed, extinguish hatred and resentment, flee corruption, cheating and cunning: that's where peace begins.” pope said.