Saint Symphorosa and her seven sons

Saint Symphorosa and her seven sons

Saint of the day - July 18

Symphorosa was martyred with her seven sons at Tibur towards the end of the reign of Emperor Hadrian.

After the dedication of the palace of Hadrian at Tibur, he was told that the gods were tormented by the prayers of Symphorosa (the widow of Getulius the martyr) and her seven sons Crescens, Julian, Nemesius, Primitivus, Justinus, Stacteus and Eugenius.

Hadrian had them arrested and when they refused to sacrifice to the gods, he ordered them to be taken to the temple of Hercules and be executed there. Symphorosa, because of her invincible constancy, was first buffeted a long time, then suspended by her hair, and lastly thrown into the river with a stone tied to her body, which was afterwards recovered by her brother Eugenius.

The seven sons were attached to stakes, Crescens had his throat cut, Julian was pierced in the breast, Nemesius was stabbed to the heart, Primitivus was run through the belly, Justin was transfixed with a sword through his back, Stracteus was struck in the side, and Eugenius was cleft downwards. Their bodies were subsequently taken to Rome and were found in the sacristy of the Church of Sant’Angelo in Piscina under Pope Pius IV.

Other Saints of the Day
1. Saint Frederick
2. Saint Bruno of Segni
3. Saint Camillus de Lellis
4. Saint Dominic Nicholas Dat
5. Saint Minnborinus of Cologne

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