Saint Callixtus I, Pope and Martyr ; Saint of the Day, October 14

Saint Callixtus I, Pope and Martyr ; Saint of the Day, October 14

Saint Callixtus I, a Pope and Martyr, was born in the second century.

Historians say that he was a highly placed domestic servant in the household of a Christian official in the Roman court.

His master placed Callixtus in charge of his banking business. However, when the bank failed, the faithful servant took responsibility and tried to flee from his Master. He was later caught and returned to the household; this time being demoted to the position of a manual labour.

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He was later on sent to the Sardinian mine as a forced slave labourer. Thus, he came to the city where he would serve as the Supreme Pontiff as a slave.

Pope Victor I’s campaigned to release all Christians in forced slavery in mines to be freed from the mines and this this great saint also earned his freedom.

Pope Zephyrinus, who had succeeded Pope Victor I, recalled Callixtus to Rome and ordained him a deacon. He was placed in charge of a public cemetery, eventually became known as the Catacombs of Saint Callistus on the Via Appia Antica. There are at least nine popes now buried there. Callixtus became the Pope's chief adviser and archdeacon.

When Pope Zephyrinus was called to eternal rest, Callixtus was elected as the next Pope.

Callixtus's election as pope was made more acceptable by his gentle and merciful approach to sinners who accepted him. Many sins that were considered unforgivable (murder, adultery) were forgiven by Pope Callixtus for the love of Christ and absolution for those who committed such sins. After making atonement such persons were to receive the Eucharist. His compassionate approach even led to relaxation of marriage laws.

Pope Callixtus allowed marriages between women of the higher castes and men of the lower castes (commoners, slaves) in the Church, which was unthinkable at the time and strictly against the Roman law.

Pope Callixtus' short reign was filled with many controversies and problems. He is though to have attained martyrdom in AD222.

Some of Callistus' relics rest in the reliquary chapel at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart on Notre Dame's campus.

Other Saints of the Day
1. Saint Angadrisma of Beauvais
2. Saint Donatian of Rheims
3. Saint Gaudentius of Rimini
4. Saint Dominic Loricatus
5. Saint Bernard of Arce

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