Melbourne: The Syro-Malabar youth should go back to the roots and realize our Catholic, spiritual and cultural identity, says Mar Bosco Puthur, Bishop of St. Thomas Syro-Malabar Eparchy of Melbourne. One who has no roots bears no fruit. We will come to know about our identity only when we know where do we come from. The Bishop was speaking at the plenary session of the Syro Malabar Youth National Conference 'Unite 2022'.
We have gathered here to experience our Catholic faith and understand our identity as members of the Syro Malabar Church. St. Thomas the Apostle was sent by Jesus to India. We are his sons and daughters. Now, Jesus has sent us to Australia for a mission. We should Identify why we are here.
The Bishop mentioned a quote from 'Varthamanapustakam' the first travelogue written in Malayalam by Mar Thoma Paremmakkal in 1785. This shows our roots.

Bishop Mar Bosco Puthur speaking at the plenary session of the Syro Malabar Youth National Conference
''By the infinite mercy of God and by the merits of the Apostle St. Thomas, its first Apostle and Founder, our community has until now followed faithfully as far as it could, the customs and the rules of our forefathers who professed the name of God and suffered much for the same “in the midst of pagans and other peoples. God has, therefore, mercifully kept it unimpaired under its kings and masters as He did multiply and give increase to the children of Israel under their several kings. It is said in the holy Gospel that the enemies of a man are those of his own household.''
Being Christian in Australia has become a challenge. Christians are persecuted religiously and psychologically. Being Christian is similar to being a Criminal in Australia.
Christian values are propagated as outdated. The youth also faces cultural challenges in Australia as their roots are in India. We must overcome these challenges.

As adults, youth should participate in the church meetings and understand what is going on there. You should be aware of your rights - the Bishop continued.
The bishop reminded the words of Pope Francis, delivered at the first Syro-Malabar Youth Leaders Conference held in Rome in June.
'This is the 1950th anniversary of the martyrdom of St. Thomas the Apostle. All young people have something in common that can unite them - a longing for the beautiful, deep, unique love that Jesus reveals. Quoting the words of the Pope, the bishop said that all young people should come together for that.
In his address, the pontiff said, “There is a common ground on which all young people can meet, and that is the desire for authentic, beautiful and profound love. Please, do not be afraid of that kind of love!. Christianity consists not in a series of prohibitions,” he added, “but in a life project capable of bringing fulfilment to every human heart.”
Have you maintained a good relationship with the elderly, asked the bishop. Meet your elders and gain their experience and wisdom. Mar Bosco Puthur reminded us that before you spread your wings to your dreams, it is important to go back to your roots and listen to those who have gone before you.
Monsignor Francis Kolenchery, Rev. Dr. Sijeesh Pullankunnel, Fr. Mathew Areeplackal, Rev. Dr. Binoj Mulavarickal, Fr. Kevin Mundackal, Fr. Varghese Vavolil, Fr. Baiju Thomas MGL presided the holy mass for two days.
Workshops were specially organized for different age groups. Fr. Mathew Areeplackal conducted a class about Holy Mass and Syro Malabar Church Traditions and answered the children's queries.
Melbourne Diocese youth band 'Songs of Seraphim', Famous singer Fr. Rob Gallia, renowned composer Fr. Mathew Areeplackal, Prodigyl from Texas, and Tresa Roy excited the audience with their music.
The Syro Malabar Youth National Conference received an enthusiastic response from the participants. The adoration and workshops held over three days were spiritually and mentally refreshing for the young people who participated. About 600 Syro-Malabar youths from Australia, New Zealand and Singapore are participating in the four-day conference.