'Fight for the soul of the nation', Israelis contest overhaul of judicial system

'Fight for the soul of the nation', Israelis contest overhaul of judicial system

JERUSALEM: On Monday, the Israeli parliament gave the green light to a controversial revamp of the country's judicial system, championed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's religious-nationalist administration, with the move igniting widespread demonstrations.

The opposition in parliament vowed to "fight for the soul of the nation," while tens of thousands of Israelis protested in the streets outside. Before the proposed changes were approved in a first reading, lawmakers argued late into the night.

"A great night and a great day," Netanyahu tweeted following the preliminary vote.

With 64 of the Knesset's 120 seats, Netanyahu appeared likely to win eventual ratification for the two revisions on the agenda, one increasing the government's influence in appointing judges and the other limiting the Supreme Court's ability to overturn the legislation.

According to polls, the majority of Israelis want the reforms to be slowed to allow for dialogue with critics - or shelved entirely.

The shekel fell 1% against the dollar. Many economists and leaders in high-tech and banking have warned of investor and capital flight from Israel as a result of the reform feud. However, a key coalition figure dismissed this.

"There is no link between the justice system reforms and any economic blow to Israel," said Moshe Gafni, chairman of the Knesset Finance Committee and head of the ultra-Orthodox United Torah Judaism party. "Any attempt at connection is politicized."

The committee was dubbed a "circus" by opposition lawmakers in response to Gafni's statement.

Earlier in the day, protesters posted online videos of themselves attempting to prevent Netanyahu's coalition lawmakers from leaving for the Knesset. Eight people were arrested for disorderly conduct, according to police, and traffic was rerouted after demonstrators blocked some roads.

"Demonstrators who talk about democracy are bringing democracy to an end when they deny elected delegates the fundamental right in a democracy - the right to vote," Netanyahu said in a statement.

The government claims that the reforms are intended to prevent an unrepresentative Supreme Court from meddling in politics. Critics claim that Netanyahu, who is on trial on graft charges that he denies, is seeking legal changes that will undermine Israel's democratic checks and balances, foster corruption, and lead to diplomatic isolation.

Opposition leader Yair Lapid tweeted that demonstrations would mount "in the fight for the soul of the nation."

President Isaac Herzog of Israel has repeatedly urged the government and opposition to engage in compromise talks. However, while both parties have expressed willingness, they disagree on the terms.

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