"Reign of Fear: The Russian Military Commandant's Brutality in Ukraine Town"

Russian military commandant accused of human rights violations in Ukrainian town

BALAKLIIA -During an interrogation by Russian intelligence officers at a police station in Ukraine’s Balakliia town in June, local businessman Ruslan Volobuyev was beaten by one of the men, he said. At one point, according to Volobuyev’s account, a thick-set man in his 40s with a cleft chin entered the room. He greeted the two interrogators, shaking their hands, and left.

Local businessman Ruslan Volobuyev said that during an interrogation at a police station in Balakliia in June, he was beaten by Russian intelligence officers. Volobuyev reported that a man in his 40s with a cleft chin entered the room and greeted the two interrogators before leaving.

Nelya Kholod, a volunteer helping to identify missing residents, said that dozens of detainees from Balakliia and the surrounding area are still unaccounted for. In an October investigation into Moscow's withdrawal from the town, Reuters previously reported that Balakliia residents knew the commandant only by his call sign.

The military commandant was a member of the Russian defence ministry's military police and the most senior military officer in the town responsible for policing the local population, according to rosters for meetings of occupying section commanders reviewed by Reuters.

The revelation of Valery Sergeyevich Buslov's identity as "Granit" has raised new questions about Russia's role in the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine. Despite denying any involvement in war crimes or targeting civilians, Russia has faced numerous accusations of committing human rights abuses in the region.

The United Nations and other international organizations have documented cases of torture, extrajudicial killings, and forced disappearances of Ukrainian civilians in areas controlled by Russian-backed separatists. Ukraine and its allies, including the United States and European Union, have imposed economic sanctions on Russia in response to its actions in Ukraine.

The identification of Buslov as "Granit" could potentially lead to his prosecution for war crimes or crimes against humanity, though it remains to be seen if Ukrainian or international authorities will take action. For the residents of Balakliia who experienced his regime firsthand, the revelation of his true identity is a small step towards accountability for the atrocities committed during Russia's occupation of the town.

According to several sources, the military commandant's office was located in a publishing house across the street from the police station where the abuse of residents occurred. Although there is no direct evidence that the commandant personally ordered or carried out the abuses, his proximity to the incidents raises questions about his involvement. Local resident Oleksandr, who requested to be identified only by his first name, reported seeing individuals being brought into the building that housed the commandant's office in handcuffs or with bags over their heads. The same witness also saw them being released shortly after.

The cafe owner, Volobuyev, initially did not know the identity of the man who entered the interrogation room, but later learned that he was the military commandant after seeing him in town. Another local confirmed that the man was known as "Granit." In response to questions from Reuters about the alleged mistreatment of Balakliia residents, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) issued a statement identifying Lieutenant Colonel Valery Sergeyevich Buslov, the military commandant of the Russian defense ministry's Kaliningrad garrison, as the Balakliia military commandant. The SBU accused Buslov of signing orders that allowed Russian service personnel and illegal military formations to illegally detain civilians.

The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has stated that they are currently investigating suspected criminal acts committed by Russian soldiers against civilians in Balakliia. The agency did not provide any evidence of wrongdoing by Buslov or other Russian forces, citing Ukrainian law that prohibits making public evidence that is part of an ongoing investigation. According to an anonymous Ukrainian law enforcement source familiar with the SBU's activities, investigators are preparing to issue a "notice of suspicion" against Buslov, which could be a preliminary step towards launching a formal criminal investigation. The Ukrainian prosecutor general's office did not respond to requests for comment on the matter.

In March of last year, Russian forces seized control of Balakliia, located around 70 kilometers south of Kharkiv, and departed in early September. When Reuters visited the area several weeks later, they discovered thousands of documents, including meeting rosters and a list with Buslov's name, at the command bunker used by Russian forces on the outskirts of Balakliia.

Although the military commandant's office was situated in a separate building, the publishing house in town, a rudimentary wooden rifle rack in that building displayed the call signs of firearm owners, including that of "Granit." A woman who previously worked at the publishing house stated that the building's basement, where metal cages and surveillance cameras were visible, functioned as a holding cell.

While the accounts of mistreatment reported by Balakliia residents could not be independently verified by Reuters, a United Nations-mandated investigative body discovered that Russia had committed war crimes in various parts of Ukraine, including the unlawful detention and torture of civilians.

Social media accounts associated with Buslov have posted photos of him wearing parade uniform with medals on his chest. He previously served as the military commandant of the Kaliningrad garrison and was responsible for maintaining discipline among troops and sailors stationed there, according to a military newspaper article from 2019. Buslov arrived in Balakliia in May, according to locals Oleksandr and Olga. Olga reported seeing him from a distance wearing a bullet-proof vest and sunglasses, escorted by two armoured vehicles. The commandant’s office issued passes allowing selected individuals to break the nighttime curfew or travel outside of Balakliia to purchase goods.

According to Reuters, many people were detained at the police station during the Russian occupation in Balakliia, as reported by nine individuals who said they had been held there. Three others said their friends or relatives had been detained. Some residents refused to provide their full names for fear of being perceived as Russian collaborators. The Russian forces instructed family members seeking the release of their detained loved ones to petition "Granit," according to four locals. An 82-year-old pensioner named Liudmyla said her son, a Ukrainian military veteran, was detained in Balakliia in April of last year, and she repeatedly appealed to "Granit" and his assistant for his release. They promised to locate him but never did, and Liudmyla still does not know his whereabouts. Oleksandr said his brother was also detained in April and is still missing. He claimed that officials at the Russian-installed administration told him that the commandant's office made all decisions related to the military. Despite repeatedly visiting and seeking information from "Granit," who identified himself as a balaclava-clad man, Oleksandr never received a clear answer about his brother's whereabouts.

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