National Commission for Women Expresses Concern Over Lack of Response from Manipur Authorities

National Commission for Women Expresses Concern Over Lack of Response from Manipur Authorities

New Delhi - The National Commission for Women has expressed deep concern over the dire situation faced by the people affected by the recent violence in northeast Delhi. They find it distressing that the victims are being directed to visit state government offices to fulfill formalities, given their vulnerable circumstances. To address this issue, the NCW chairperson, Rekha Sharma, has written a letter to Chief Secretary Vijay Kumar Dev of the national capital, urging the Delhi government to present a comprehensive action plan for the relief and rehabilitation of those impacted by the violence.

In her letter, Sharma has requested information regarding the number of people who have received compensation and the identification of shelter homes for the victims. She is also seeking details on the current accommodations and the availability of essential medical and other facilities for the injured individuals in the shelter homes.

During a visit to the violence-hit areas of northeast Delhi, Sharma led a team that observed the distressing conditions faced by the affected people. They noted that the lack of proper information about the government's action plan for rehabilitation and compensation has left the victims in a miserable state, especially those who have lost their properties and homes in the riots.

The situation is further exacerbated by inadequate arrangements for attendants of the injured individuals in hospitals. The most alarming observation made by the team is that the affected people have been instructed to visit state government offices to complete formalities, despite their dire circumstances.

The recent communal violence in northeast Delhi resulted in a tragic death toll of 42 people, with over 200 others sustaining injuries. The urgency to address the relief and rehabilitation of the affected population is of paramount importance in light of this devastating incident.

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