Indian PM Modi and Saudi Crown Prince Engage in Bilateral Discussions in New Delhi

 Indian PM Modi and Saudi Crown Prince Engage in Bilateral Discussions in New Delhi

New Delhi - Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince, Mohammed Bin Salman, embarked on an official one-day visit to India, marking a significant diplomatic engagement following the conclusion of the G20 Summit. This visit underlines the importance of bilateral relations between the two nations and signifies their commitment to strengthening ties.

During his visit, Crown Prince MBS took the opportunity to praise the historic and deeply rooted connections between Saudi Arabia and India. These ties encompass various aspects, including economic, cultural, and strategic cooperation. This acknowledgment highlights the mutual respect and appreciation that both nations have for each other.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi and Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman engaged in productive bilateral talks, where they discussed a wide range of issues. One of the key outcomes of these discussions was the reaffirmation of their commitment to bolstering the India-Saudi Partnership Council. This council serves as a vital platform for enhancing cooperation in various sectors, including trade, investment, energy, and defense.

Furthermore, this visit and the discussions that took place were preceded by a significant development at the G20 Summit. India and Saudi Arabia signed an agreement related to the "EU-Middle East-India" rail and Ports project. This project holds strategic importance for all the participating nations, as it aims to strengthen connectivity and trade routes between Europe, the Middle East, and India. This signing underscores the commitment of both countries to fostering regional economic integration and enhancing their roles on the global stage.

Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman's visit to India, the warm reception, and the bilateral talks with Prime Minister Modi signify the continued efforts of both nations to enhance their multifaceted relationship. The signing of the rail and Ports project agreement further solidifies their commitment to regional cooperation and economic development.

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