'Christmas at Nativity', Pope Francis Shares Reflections on Nativity Scene in Latest Book

'Christmas at Nativity', Pope Francis Shares Reflections on Nativity Scene in Latest Book

In a momentous release today, Pope Francis presents the Italian edition of his latest book, "Il mio presepe" (Christmas at the Nativity). Having recently debuted in French, English, and Portuguese, the book is a collaborative effort between Piemme and Libreria Editrice Vaticana (LEV).

The text includes a never-before-seen introduction penned by Pope Francis, dated September 27, 2023, along with a collection of the Pope's reflections, speeches, and homilies on the Nativity scene and its characters throughout his pontificate.

In the exclusive introduction, Pope Francis shares his emotional experiences at Greccio, where St. Francis of Assisi first conceived the Nativity scene. He recounts signing the apostolic letter Admirabile signum during his return to Greccio, emphasizing the significance of the Nativity scene in the Christian mystery.

"The Incarnation of Jesus Christ remains the heart of God’s revelation, unfolding in unobtrusive ways that often go unnoticed," writes Pope Francis. He underscores the divine essence found in the tiniest aspects, citing St. Ignatius of Loyola's words on being contained in the smallest.

"Safeguarding the spirit of the Nativity scene becomes a healthy immersion in the presence of God manifested in the small, sometimes trivial and repetitive, everyday things," the Pope asserts, highlighting the importance of discernment and recognizing God's greatness in littleness.

Referencing a meeting with the youth of Rieti in January 2016, Pope Francis shares the two signs guiding the recognition of Jesus on Christmas night: the special star that prompts decisions and the smallness of God revealed in the manger. He encourages seeking the "star" that leads to contemplating Jesus for ultimate happiness.

"Awe and wonder are the two feelings that move everyone, young and old, before the Nativity scene," Pope Francis declares, stressing that the scene, like a living Gospel, speaks to life regardless of its setup.

The Pope concludes by revisiting the first Nativity scene in Greccio, celebrating its 800th anniversary this year, and its enduring impact on evangelization. He believes that the simplicity of this sign continues to reflect the genuine beauty of faith.

As "Il mio presepe" makes its debut in Italian, Pope Francis invites readers to delve into the profound reflections encapsulated in this enriching exploration of the Nativity scene's spiritual significance.

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