Tragic Crash Sparks Security Alert on Rainbow Bridge: Two Lives Lost in Fiery Incident

Tragic Crash Sparks Security Alert on Rainbow Bridge: Two Lives Lost in Fiery Incident

WASHINGTON - In a tragic incident on Wednesday, a high-speed crash ignited flames on the Rainbow Bridge connecting New York and Ontario at Niagara Falls, claiming the lives of two occupants in the vehicle.

The collision prompted a security alert, leading to the temporary closure of four U.S.-Canadian border crossings. Despite initial concerns, authorities, including New York Governor Kathy Hochul and the FBI, found no evidence of terrorism following investigations.

Video footage released by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection depicted the vehicle, reportedly a Bentley carrying a 56-year-old man and his wife en route to a KISS concert, hurtling across the bridge before colliding with an object, soaring into the air, and erupting in flames upon impact. The driver and a passenger lost their lives, while a CBP officer sustained minor injuries.

The FAA reported a temporary closure of Buffalo Niagara International Airport, but Governor Hochul clarified that operations continued without disruptions. Amid global security tensions and heightened Thanksgiving travel, the incident prompted the precautionary closure of the Rainbow Bridge and other crossings along the Niagara River, impacting holiday travel plans.

Security measures were heightened at airports, railways, and various locations in New York City. Although three bridges were reopened in the evening, the Rainbow crossing remained closed as authorities assessed safety concerns.

Witnesses described the horrifying scene, with the car breaching an 8-foot-tall fence, resulting in a fiery crash that left little of the vehicle intact.

As investigations continue, the tragedy adds to ongoing concerns surrounding holiday travel safety and underscores the need for vigilance in the face of unforeseen incidents on critical transportation routes.

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