41 Workers Emerged Victorious from Collapsed Himalayan Tunnel After 17-Day Ordeal

 41 Workers Emerged Victorious from Collapsed Himalayan Tunnel After 17-Day Ordeal

New Delhi - In a triumphant conclusion to a 17-day rescue operation beneath the Himalayas, 41 workers, who were trapped in a collapsed tunnel, were successfully brought to safety on Tuesday.

The challenging rescue effort involved weeks of drilling through rock and debris to create an escape route, with the last two meters painstakingly drilled by hand. Video footage captured the joyous moment as Chief Minister Pushkar Singh Dhami welcomed the rescued workers, who emerged in good health.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi expressed deep emotion over the successful rescue, praising the bravery and patience of the trapped men. Modi commended the entire team involved in the operation, highlighting their exemplary humanity and teamwork.

The workers had been trapped since November 12 when a tunnel collapse blocked their only exit with more than 60 meters of debris.

The rescue faced setbacks, including breakdowns of heavy machinery used for drilling. Workers resorted to manual digging and other risky methods during these challenging moments.

Despite initial attempts with heavy machinery breaking down, the final plan involved successfully drilling through the unstable mountain terrain to reach the trapped men. With the drilling completed, a large pipe was used to bring the laborers to safety.

Throughout the ordeal, the migrant workers from India's poorest states received essential supplies through a 53-meter pipe, maintaining their good health. On-site doctors provided regular support and tips to keep the trapped men positive and calm.

Families gathered daily at the tunnel exit, offering prayers for the safe return of their loved ones.

The tunnel, part of Prime Minister Modi's Char Dham Highway route, is a contentious multimillion-dollar project aimed at upgrading the country's transport network and improving connectivity to important Hindu pilgrimage sites. The successful rescue marks a testament to human resilience and collaboration in the face of adversity.

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