Cardinal Parolin to Deliver Pope's COP28 Message

Cardinal Parolin to Deliver Pope's COP28 Message

Cardinal Secretary of State Pietro Parolin is set to lead the Holy See's delegation to Dubai, delivering Pope Francis' message at the COP28 climate summit. Matteo Bruni, the Director of the Holy See Press Office, confirmed this, stating, "Cardinal Parolin will represent Pope Francis at COP28 in Dubai on December 2."

Responding to reporters' questions, Bruni mentioned that Cardinal Parolin will also participate in the inauguration of the Faith Pavilion at Expo City in Dubai on December 3, alongside Cardinal Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot, Prefect of the Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue.

The anticipated Apostolic Journey of Pope Francis to Dubai from December 1-3, aimed at supporting global initiatives to combat climate change, has been canceled due to  Pope's health concerns.

Suffering from "very acute, infectious bronchitis,"  Pope, during a Vatican audience on Thursday, shared that although he no longer has a fever, he continues to receive antibiotic treatment.

Explaining the decision, he stated, "The doctor didn't let me go to Dubai because it's very hot there, and going from the heat to air conditioning is not convenient in this bronchial situation."

Pope Francis, known for his advocacy for environmental stewardship, particularly emphasized in his 2015 encyclical Laudato si', had planned to contribute to COP28.

Despite his absence, Cardinal Parolin will deliver  Pope's intended message at the summit, reflecting the Holy See's commitment to addressing climate change. 

Pope's recent Apostolic Exhortation, Laudate Deum, further underscores his ongoing call for responsible care of our common home, acknowledging the changes that have transpired in the eight years since Laudato si'.

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