‘Christ is Password for a Joyful Life’, Pope Francis Launches New Edition of YOUCAT

‘Christ is Password for a Joyful Life’, Pope Francis Launches New Edition of YOUCAT

In a heartfelt letter addressed to young people, Pope Francis has unveiled the latest edition of the YOUCAT, or ‘Youth Catechism of the Catholic Church,’ urging them to discover the secret to a joyful life in living with and for Christ. Pope's positive review was published in the Italian newspaper La Stampa on Monday, emphasizing the importance of reading the Gospel, praying fervently, and studying the catechism with enthusiasm.

In the letter, Pope Francis highlighted the central role of love in Christianity, stating, “Love is the primary reason for the existence of the Church.” He underscored the love of tenderness and mercy that God the Father has for every human being, as revealed by Jesus through His life, death, and resurrection. Pope called upon each individual to respond to God’s love by embracing love for Him and for fellow human beings.

Referencing Pope Benedict XVI’s encyclical Deus caritas est, Pope Francis stressed that our Christian life originates from a personal encounter with Jesus, providing a new horizon and direction. He emphasized the importance of knowing and understanding Jesus to properly love Him and make Him known.

“The sweet joy of evangelization lies in bringing one's love for Jesus to the whole world,” declared Pope Francis. He commended the YOUCAT as a manifestation of believers' love for Jesus, being a book that aims solely to awaken or reawaken a great love for Christ among young readers.

Encouraging the youth to embrace the YOUCAT, Pope Francis invited them to recognize that the book is a product of love and serves the singular purpose of nurturing a profound love for Jesus. He urged young Catholics to study the catechism diligently, gaining deeper insights into Jesus’ message of love and His plan for their lives.

Pope offered a practical approach to maintaining a connection with Jesus, advising young people to consider "what Christ would do in my place" at every moment. He presented this as the key to a truly alive and joyful life, encouraging readers to view the world and daily events through the eyes of Jesus.

Concluding his letter, Pope Francis emphasized that Christ provides the authentic "password" to happiness. He expressed his heartfelt wish for young friends to experience the youth of life, the newness of life, and the fullness of life that Christ offers.

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