Pope Francis Calls for Daily Conversion to Embrace a Loving God

Pope Francis Calls for Daily Conversion to Embrace a Loving God

Pope Francis, in his Sunday Angelus address at the Vatican, urged believers to embrace their "first spiritual task" of abandoning preconceived notions of God and daily converting to the "loving, compassionate God" presented by Jesus in the Gospel. Drawing inspiration from the Gospel according to St. Mark, the Pope highlighted Jesus' continuous movement, challenging believers to reflect on what it reveals about God and prompting questions about their faith.

Pope emphasized Jesus' outreach to wounded humanity as a revelation of God's face, countering the perception of a distant God. He noted that Jesus, after teaching in the synagogue, goes out to touch and heal people, illustrating God's closeness and love. Pope Francis  stressed that God is not a detached master but a compassionate Father who visits homes, desires to save and liberate, and heals both body and spirit.

Pope Francis urged believers to recognize God's attitude of closeness, compassion, and tenderness, emphasizing that faith should instill a restlessness for journeying rather than providing mere consolation. He challenged individuals to question whether their faith leads them to spread God's consolation to others, echoing Jesus' example.

Highlighting the significance of discovering the true face of the Father, Pope stated that faith matures when believers abandon preconceived notions and become bearers of God's hope and healing. He encouraged a transformation from being "sacristy Christians" or "parlour Christians" to becoming proactive witnesses of the Lord's love.

In conclusion, Pope Francis invoked the Blessed Mother's help for believers to step out of themselves and proclaim the Lord, emphasizing the importance of setting forth to transmit faith in a loving God. The Pope's message emphasizes the continual conversion and active role believers play in embodying God's compassion and hope in the world.

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