Peter’s Pence 2023: Donations to Pope’s Charity on the Rise

Peter’s Pence 2023: Donations to Pope’s Charity on the Rise

Vatican City - Peter’s Pence has released its annual disclosure report for the financial year 2023, showing an increase in donations by nearly five million euros compared to 2022.

In 2023, the income of the Peter’s Pence Fund, intended to support the universal Church and various initiatives for the needy, totaled 52 million euros (48.4 million from offerings and 3.6 million from financial income from asset remuneration). Expenditures for the year amounted to 109.4 million euros.

The largest benefactor of donations was the United States, contributing 13.6 million euros, which is 28.1% of the total income. Italy followed with 3.1 million euros (6.4%) and Brazil with 1.9 million euros (3.9%).

Contributions to Peter’s Pence come from dioceses (31.2 million euros, 64.4% of income), private donors (2.1 million euros, 4.4%), foundations (13.9 million euros, 28.8%), and religious orders (1.2 million euros, 2.4%).

In 2023, the Peter’s Pence Fund disbursed 103 million euros, with 90 million euros supporting activities of the Holy See and 13 million euros funding direct assistance projects for families, migrants, refugees, and communities affected by conflicts, climate change, and humanitarian crises.

The funds supported 236 projects across 76 countries, with significant allocations to Africa (5.4 million euros), Europe (2.4 million euros), the Americas (2.3 million euros), Asia (2.8 million euros), and Oceania (0.1 million euros).

Notably, in Europe, funds were allocated for scholarships and initiatives in Ukraine amidst ongoing conflict.

Overall, donations saw an increase from 43.5 million euros in 2022 to 48.4 million euros in 2023, supporting various apostolic missions and entities of the Holy See.

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