St. John of Capistrano

John, who was born in Capistrano, Italy in 1385, lost his father, a French or probably German knight who had settled in Capistrano, when he was quite young. John's mother took care to ensure that h...

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St. Luke

The third Gospel and Acts of the Apostles, two books that together make up one of the main sections of the New Testament, were written by Luke. He illustrates the similarities between Christ's life...

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Saint Ignatius of Antioch
St. Teresa of Avila
St. Edward the Confessor
Saint Wilfrid of York
St. John XXIII
Saint Francis Borgia

St. Denis

Saint Denis, who was born and raised in Italy, was one of six bishops dispatched by Pope St. Clement to Gaul (present-day France) to serve as missionaries in the year 250 A.D. Denis esta...

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