Saint Wolfgang, Bishop

Around 934, St. Wolfgang of Ratisbon was born in Swabia, a medieval region in southwest Germany. Wolfgang was raised in an aristocratic household and had special tutoring. The future monk thereafte...

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Saint John of Capistrano

John was born in Italy in 1385 and died at an early age. His father was a French or probably German nobleman who had settled in Capistrano. John's mother made sure he had an education, and after ma...

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Pope Saint John Paul II
Saint Bertilla Boscardin
Saint Luke, Evangelist
Saint Teresa of Avila

Saint Edward The Confessor

St. Edward was born in 1003 as the son of the Duke of Normandy and nephew of King Edmund Ironside of England. He grew up in exile in Normandy from the age of 10 when the Danes gained control of Eng...

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