Saint of the Day

Saint Padre Pio, stigmatist and mystic

Francesco Forgione, OFM Cap., better known as Padre Pio, was an Italian Franciscan Capuchin friar, priest, stigmatist, and mystic. Padre Pio became famous for exhibiting stigmata for...

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Saint Joseph of Cupertino - Patron of Aviators

St. Joseph was born in 1603 at Cupertino, in the diocese of Nardo in the Kingdom of Naples. His father, Felice Desa was a poor carpenter who died before the boy was born. Creditors drove his mother...

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Saint Robert Bellarmine
Our Lady of Sorrows

Saint Peter Claver, patron of slaves

St. Peter Claver was born at Verdu, Catalonia, Spain, in 1580 to poor parents. He studied at the Jesuit college of Barcelona. While studying philosophy at Majorca, the young religious was influence...

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