St. Paul of Constantinople

During the period of fierce conflict in the Church over the Arian heresy, Saint Paul served as the Bishop of Constantinople. He was chosen in 336 to succeed Alexander of Constantinople, but Emperor...

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Saints Marcellinus and Peter

Saints Marcellinus and Peter, who were immensely revered after their grave was found and their executioner was converted, were two fourth-century martyrs who are commemorated by the Catholic Church...

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Saint Justin the Martyr
Saint Petronilla
Saint Joan of Arc
Saint Bernard of Montjoux
Saint Mariana de Paredes

Saint Joanna

In the first century, a layperson named Joanna lived. She was the spouse of Chuza, the steward and tetrarch of Galilee for King Herod Antipas. She helped the Lord during His public ministry, along ...

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