Saint Adalbert of Prague

Originally named Wojtech, the boy who would become St. Adalbert was born into a noble family in the Central European province of Bohemia in the mid-900s. When Wojtech was a young boy and fell dange...

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Saint Athanasia of Aegina

Athanasia, the daughter of Nikita and Marina, was born into a noble, yet religious family in the 8th century on the Island of Aegina, Greece. She was drawn to religious life from a young age; tradi...

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Saint Hunna
Saint Teresa of the Andes
Saint Waltrude
Saint Julie Billiart
Saint Vincent Ferrer
Saint Irene of Rome

Saint Mary of Egypt

April 1 is the feast of a little-known saint whose story demonstrates the power of the Church as the home of forgiveness, redemption and mercy. St. Mary of Egypt was a prostitute for 17 years befor...

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