Saint Paschal Baylon

Saint Paschal Baylon

On May 24, 1540, Paschal was born in Torre-Hermosa, in the Kingdom of Aragon. Paschal was named after the Feast of Pentecost, which is known as "the Pasch of the Holy Ghost" in Spain, where he was born.

Martin Baylon and Elizabeth Jubera, his parents, were good peasants. The child's remarkable commitment to the Holy Communion, which is a defining characteristic of his personality, was evident from an early age.

He lived the life of a shepherd from the age of seven to twenty-four, and he had a positive impact on his friends throughout that time. The Franciscan friars of the Alcantarine Reform then accepted him as a lay brother. The life of introspection and self-sacrifice that Paschal undertook in the monastery fulfilled the promise of his early years.

His unwavering politeness and generosity to the underprivileged and suffering were impressive. He once narrowly avoided being killed by a Huguenot mob while on a trip across France when he valiantly defended the doctrine of the Real Presence against the blasphemies of a Calvinist preacher. Despite having little education, individuals from all walks of life sought his advice, and he was good friends with virtuous figures.

On Whitsunday, May 15, 1592, he died at Villa Reale. He was beatified in 1618 and canonized in 1690.

Leo XIII named St. Paschal the patron saint of all Eucharistic Congresses and Associations in his Apostolic letter Providentissimus Deus. His feast day is celebrated on May 17th. The saint is typically represented in adoration before a vision of the Host.

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