Saint William of Vercelli

William of Vercelli, Saint 1085-1142. founder, born in Vercelli Italy he was brought up as an orphan became a hermit on Monte Vergine, Italy after a pilgrimage to Compostella and attracted so many ...

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Saint Teresa of Portugal

Saint Teresa was the daughter of the king of Portugal. She married her cousin and they lived happily, with the blessing of many children. After several years, their marriage was proclaimed invalid ...

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Saint Germaine Cousin
Saint Antony of Padua
Saint Barnabas
Saint William of York
Saint Norbert
Saint Francis Caracciolo

Saint Justin the Martyr

Justin was born around the year 100 in the Palestinian province of Samaria, the son of Greek-speaking parents whose ancestors were sent as colonists to that area of the Roman Empire. Justin's fathe...

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