St. Genevieve

Born in Nanterre, France, in about 422, St. Genevieve was a brave and fair peasant girl. Her parents were Severus and Gerontia.On his trip to Britain, St. Germanus, Bishop of Auxerre, stoppe...

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St. Dominic of Silos

In the year 1000, Saint Dominic was born in Cañas, Navarre, Spain. A peasant by birth, he was raised as a shepherd until he entered the Benedictine monastery in Navarre. When Dominic refused to sur...

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St. Gatian
St. Lucy
St. Nicholas
St. John of Damascus
St. Francis Xavier

St. Edmund Campion

On January 25, 1540, Edmund Campion was born in London. He was raised as a Catholic and possessed such a powerful and bright intellect that, at the age of 17, he was appointed as a junior fellow at...

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