Saint of the Day

Saint Bernadette Soubirous

Bernadette Soubirous was born in 1844, the first child of an extremely poor miller in the town of Lourdes in southern France. The family was living in the basement of a dilapidated building when on...

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Saint Stanislaus

Anyone who reads the history of Eastern Europe cannot help but chance on the name of Stanislaus, the saintly but tragic bishop of Kraków, patron of Poland. He is remembered with Saints Thomas More ...

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Saint Waltrude
Saint Julie Billiart
Saint Celestine I
Saint Vincent Ferrer
Saint Irene of Rome

Saint Francis of Paola

Francis of Paola was a man who deeply loved contemplative solitude and wished only to be the “least in the household of God.” Yet, when the Church called him to active service in the world, he beca...

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