St. Peter Fourier, the saint who raised the spiritual and social life of the people : Saint of the Day, December, 9

St. Peter Fourier, the saint who raised the spiritual and social life of the people : Saint of the Day, December, 9

St. Peter Fourier, founder of the Notre Dame Congregation, was born on November 30, 1565, at Mirecourt, Lorraine, France. At the age of fifteen he joined the University of Pont-à-Mousson. He later joined the Abbey of Chaumousey and was ordained a priest in 1589 at the age of 24.

At the order of his abbot, he returned to the University and acquired a profound knowledge in theology. He was quite proficient in Patristic Theology. He became a scholastic theologian and knew the “Summa Theologiae” of Saint Thomas Aquinas by heart. Thus, he armed himself to stand up against the Calvinist heresy that was acquiring strength in those times.

In 1597 Peter Fourier became the Vicar of the parish of Mattaincourt. The parish was plagued by corruption, blasphemy, and the threat of heresy. He restored faith in the Church by his constant prayers, instructions and through an exemplary faith life.

Through his eloquent speeches he was able to refute the arguments of the heretics. Many returned to the true Church. He formed several organizations in the parish to raise the living standards of the people as well as their spiritual life. To help those who had fallen into poverty, he founded a kind of mutual help bank. The saint did not neglect even the smallest needs of his parishioners.

Fourier founded the ‘Daughters of Our Lady’ giving free education to girls and the ‘Sodality of the Immaculate Conception’, or ‘Children of Mary’. He organized debates against the social evils that existed among the people at that time. These discussions were read by the children to the public every Sunday.
In 1621, by an order of the Bishop of Toul, the saint came to Lorraine to reform the monasteries in Lorraine. In 1629, he helped form the Congregation of Our Saviour and served as its Superior General till 1632. The saint often asked his brother canons to do for boys what the nuns were doing for the girls.

In 1625, Fourier was sent to preach to the people of the Principality of Salm-Salm, which had embraced Calvinism. His gentle persuasion and efforts were rewarded. Within six months all the protestants he addressed as “poor strangers” were baptized and re-established Catholicism in the land.

Due to his association with the House of Lorraine, and unwillingness to swear an oath of loyalty to King Louis XIII of France, he was forced to flee and take refuge in the town of Gray. At the age of 75, Peter Fourier passed away in this town. He was beatified in 1730 by Pope Benedict XIII and canonized in 1897 by Pope Leo XIII.

Other saints of the day
1. Cyprian in France
2. Saint Budoc of Brittany
3. Saint Balda of Jouarre
4. Abibus, Hipparchus, James, Lollian, Paragnus, Philotheus and Romanus, Martyrs of Samosata

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