St. Eulalia of Merida, Patroness of Oviedo : Saint of the Day, December, 10

St. Eulalia of Merida, Patroness of Oviedo : Saint of the Day, December, 10

Eulalia was born into a noble family in Merida, Spain, during the religious persecution of Diocletian and Maximian. Inspired by her pious parents, she learned at an early age the virtues of piety and mercy. She had an unquenchable desire for the holy state of virginity.

When she was around 12, a proclamation for religious persecution was made in Merida. Roman Governor Calpurnius was entrusted to carry out this heinous task. Emperor Diocletian decreed that irrespective of one’s age, gender, or profession, all should offer sacrifices to the gods of the empire. Eulalia's family moved to a village following this decree.

The courageous Eulalia however, along with her friend Julia, approached Governor Calpurnius in Merida and questioned him about persecuting the Christians and why everyone was urged to worship idols. The governor commanded her to be seized. He tried to entice her quoting the advantages which her birth, youth and fortune gave her in the world, and the anguish which her defiance would bring to her parents. Seeing that these temptations had no effect, he began to threaten her, placing the cruelest instruments of torture before her eyes. 'You just need to touch some salt and spices with your fingertips to get rid of these tortures' he said. Infuriated, Eulalia destroyed the objects in front of her and trampled the sacrifices.

At the order of Calpurnius, two men pierced the flesh of her tender body with hooks. She accepted the persecution and called the strokes ‘the trophies of Christ’. They lighted torches to burn her breasts and her sides. Amid this persecution instead of crying out in pain, she thanked God. The fire gradually consumed her.

According to historians, a white dove flew out of her mouth and fluttered its wings, when the Saint expired. Bewildered by this sight, her persecutors, left her body there and fled. The relics of this saint are very reverently kept in a place called Oviedo, where she is honored as their patroness.

Other Saints of the Day

  1. Pope Gregory III
  2. Saint Gemellus
  3. Saint Florentius of Carracedo

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