Saint Raymond of Penyafort, Patron of Canonists : Saint of the Day, January 7

Saint Raymond of Penyafort, Patron of Canonists : Saint of the Day, January 7

From his infancy he was blessed by God. Although in years a child, his heart was that of an old man.” (Dominican Saints of the Rosary Series p.3)

Saint Raymond of Peñafort was born in Santa Margarida i els Monjos, at the castle of Peñafort. His father’s castle was located a few miles from Barcelona, a city of Catalonia in Spain. The castle was built on rocks which rise from the waters of the river Monjos. A Dominican priory, built in 1601, on the site of the castle, still remains. He was a student at the school of the Cathedral of Barcelona.

From childhood he had a tender love and devotion to the Blessed Mother. He finished his studies at an early age and became a famous teacher. He then gave up all his honours and entered the Order of the Dominicans. St. Raymond did much penance and was so righteous and kind that he won many sinners to God.

With King James of Aragon and Saint Peter Nolasco he founded the Order of Our Lady of Ransom. The brave religious of this Order devoted themselves to saving poor Christians captured by the Moors.

He studied law at the university of Bologna. He was also and advisor and confessor to the Pope in Rome, as well as to kings and, especially, to James I of Catalonia and Aragon.

Knowing Raymond’s reputation in the juridical sciences, Pope Gregory IX summoned him to Rome in 1230 to help in the rearranging and codifying of canon law. Canon laws, in many publications, were to be organized into one set of documents. In particular papal decretal letters had been changing the law over the course of the previous 100 years since the publication of the Decretum of Gratian. Being pleased with Raymond’s efforts, the pope announced the new publication in a Bull directed to the doctors and students of Paris and Bologna in September 1234, commanding that the work of Raymond alone should be considered authoritative, and should alone be used in the schools. His collection of canon law, known as the Decretals of Gregory IX, became a standard for almost 700 years.

When Raymond completed his work, the pope appointed him Archbishop of Tarragona, but he declined the honor. Raymond followed this with the publication of a work on penitential discipline, Summa casuum, which is widely considered an authoritative work on the subject. Canon law was finally fully codified by 1917.

He also wrote works on confession and on marriage. Raymond had written for confessors a book of cases, the Summa de casibus poenitentiae. More than simply a list of sins and suggested penances, it discussed pertinent doctrines and laws of the Church that pertained to the problem or case brought to the confessor. One result was that Pope Gregory IX summoned Raymond to Rome to serve as his personal confessor.

In 1230 the pope asked Raymond to organize the myriad of decrees in canon law in the 80 years since the publication of the Decretum Gratiani. The result was the Decretals, issued in 1234. His Summa de Poenitentia et Matrimonio is said to be the first work of its kind.

Raymond was appointed to the position of Archbishop of Tarragona, the capital of the Kingdom of Aragon, over his strenuous objections. He did not appreciate the honor bestowed on him and ended up getting sick and resigning within two years. Raymond returned to Barcelona in 1236. He was elected the Master of the Order of Preachers by the General Chapter of 1238. He immediately set out on foot to visit all the houses of friars and nuns of the Order. Even in the midst of this, he was able to draft a new set of Constitutions of the Order, in which he included a resignation clause for the Master. When it was adopted by the next General Chapter of 1240, he immediately took advantage of that option.

Rejoicing to see himself again free of office, he applied himself with fresh vigor to the Christian ministry, especially working for the conversion of the Moors. To this end he encouraged Thomas Aquinas to write his work Against the Gentiles. He instituted the teaching of Arabic and Hebrew in several houses of the friars. He also founded priories in Murcia and in Tunis. Additionally, he went to help establish the Church in the recently conquered island of Majorca.

Once he went with King James to the Island of Majorca to preach about Jesus. King James was a man of great qualities, but he let himself be ruled by passions. The Saint commanded him to send the woman away. The Kings reluctance led Raymond to leave the Island. The King declared he would punish any ship captain who brought the Saint back to Barcelona. Putting all his trust in God, Saint Raymond spread his cloak upon the water, tied up one corner of it to a stick for a sail, made the Sign of the Cross, stepped onto the cloak, and sailed along for six hours until he reached Barcelona. This miracle moved the King. He was sorry for what he had done, and he became a true follower of St. Raymond. He also encouraged Thomas Aquinas to write his work Summa contra Gentiles.

Raymond died at the age of 100 in Barcelona in 1275 and was canonized by Pope Clement VIII in the year 1601. He was buried in the Cathedral of Santa Eulalia in Barcelona.

Like many of the Dominican saints, Saint Raymond is as widely known for his learning as for his sanctity. the four characteristic marks of the true Dominican: devotion to the Blessed Virgin, consummate holiness, elevated learning, and burning zeal for the salvation of souls, are to be found in him in perfection.
with inputs from Saint Raymond of Penyafort Church

Other Saints of the Day
1. Saint Ambrose of Milan
2. Saint John the Silent
3. Saint Mary Joseph Rosello
4. Saint Sabino of Spoleto
5. Saint Burgundofara

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