Saint Faustinus and Saint Jovita, Martyrs : Saint of the Day, February 15

Saint Faustinus and Saint Jovita, Martyrs : Saint of the Day, February 15

‘The sufferings which merited for them the crown of immortality, are thus recorded in the Liturgy’

Saint Faustinus and Saint Jovita were brothers, born in a noble family, and were zealous professors of the Christian religion. They preached without fear in their city of Brescia in Lombardy, during the persecution of Roman emperor Hadrian, (emperor Trajan's cousin and successor). Their remarkable zeal excited the fury of the heathens against them and procured them a glorious death for their faith.

During the persecution under Trajan, they were led captives through various cities of Italy, in each of which they were made to endure most cruel sufferings, by reason of their brave confession of the Christian faith, which nothing could induce them to deny. At Brescia, they were for a long time confined in chains; then were exposed to wild beasts, and cast into fire, from neither of which tortures did they receive hurt or harm. From Brescia they were sent to Milan, still fettered with the same chains: and there their faith was put to the test of every torment that cruelty could devise; but, like gold that is tried by fire, their faith shone the brighter by these sufferings.

After this, they were sent to Rome, where they received encouragement from Pope Evaristus; but there, also, were made to endure most cruel pains. At length, they were taken to Naples, and there, again, put to sundry tortures; after which, they were bound hand and foot, and cast into the sea; but were miraculously delivered by Angels. Many persons were converted to the true faith, by seeing their courage in suffering, and the miracles they wrought.

Faustinus, a priest, and Jovita, a deacon, were preaching the Gospel fearlessly in the region when Julian, a pagan officer, apprehended them. They were commanded to adore the sun but replied that they adored the living God who created the sun to give light to the world. The statue before which they were standing was brilliant and surrounded with golden rays. Saint Jovita, looking at it, cried out: Yes, we adore the God reigning in heaven, who created the sun. And you, vain statue, turn black, to the shame of those who adore you! At his word, it turned black. The emperor commanded that it be cleaned, but the pagan priests had hardly begun to touch it when it fell into ashes.

Thrown into a large pit of fire, the flames parted, and they were not burnt. Many witnesses were converted to Christ during these, their acts of faith. Frustrated, the emperor ordered their heads removed, finally successful in earning the brothers their golden martyrs’ crowns.

Saints Faustinus and Jovita are honored as the chief patrons of Brescia, and their relics are in the ancient church bearing their name.

Other Saints of the Day
1. Saint Claude de la Colombiere
2. Saint Sigfrid of Sweden
3. Saint Euseus of Serravalle-Sesia
4. Saint Berach of Kilbarry
5. Saint Farannan of Iona

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