Pope Francis visits Ukrainian children at Vatican's Bambino Gesu hospital

Pope Francis visits Ukrainian children at Vatican's Bambino Gesu hospital

Vatican City: Pope Francis visited Ukrainian children who fled the invasion and are being treated at the Vatican's Bambino Gesu pediatric hospital. "The Pope stopped in the rooms, and visited all the little ones present "according to the Holy See Press Office statement. "Faced with the barbarity of killing of children, of innocents and unarmed civilians, no strategic reasons can hold up," Pope Francis said.

As the Russian invasion of Ukraine disrupts routine medical care in much of the country, the Bambino Gesù hospital has stepped into to assist children in need of treatment. Around 50 children have arrived from Ukraine to the Pope’s hospital—19 of whom are hospitalized—to receive quality care.

Some of the children had oncological, neurological and other problems before the invasion and fled during the early days, but others are being treated for wounds sustained during the conflict. The children are receiving treatment for various pathologies , by the various departments.

On Friday, the Pope expressed his gratitude for this service in a brief, hand-written message to Mariella Enoc, Bambino Gesu pediatric hospital’s president. “Thank you for your service, charity, and love for wounded Ukrainian children. I am close to you.”

Dr. Mario Zama, head of Plastic and Maxillofacial Surgery at the Bambino Gesù, spoke to Vatican News about his team’s work to heal both bodies and hearts. He said there are 4 young girls whose lives have been forever altered by the war in Ukraine. Two suffered the amputation of an upper limb, while two others have been left with severe craniofacial trauma.

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