‘Pills by post’ abortion service to continue indefinitely, UK MP’s vote against abandoning two-year trial of scheme

‘Pills by post’ abortion service to continue indefinitely, UK MP’s vote against abandoning two-year trial of scheme

UK MPs took advantage of a free vote in the House of Commons on Wednesday afternoon voting 188 to 215, forcing the government to abandon its plan to end the two-year trial of ‘pills by post’ scheme in England, brought in temporarily when Covid struck in 2020.

About 150,000 women have used the at-home service since it began in 2020.

The “pills by post” abortion service, which has now been implemented indefinitely will make it easier to take away unborn lives in the privacy of one’s own home. The inhuman service enables women to end a pregnancy by taking two tablets within the first 10 weeks of pregnancy.

Right to Life, a UK based charity, who has been very vocal in raising awareness in many parts of the world against abortion, warned of the strong negative impact on the physical and emotional health of women going through such heinous processes.

The vote means the landmark Abortion Act 1967 is amended and brings England into line with Wales, which recently decided to make the scheme permanent.

Majority of MPs who voted to facilitate home abortion service hailed from the Labour party. Labour MPs were not officially coerced to favour the vote, however a letter was sent out to the MP’s from Labour’s Shadow Health Secretary, strongly “encouraging” to vote in support of the amendment, contributing to the outcome.

Though the pro-abortion lobby did everything to suppress the letter, ahead of the vote, the letter was brought to light by PoliticsHome.

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