Margaret Thatcher’s Statue subject to sacrilege just hours after Installation

Margaret Thatcher’s Statue subject to sacrilege just hours after Installation

A new bronze statue of former United Kingdom Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher is facing the ire of some locals in England, said media reports. Just two hours after installation on Sunday morning, it was subject to verbal assaults, booed and had eggs thrown at.

The statue was placed on a 10-foot granite platform in Grantham, Lincolnshire, Thatcher's hometown. There was no official installation ceremony to avoid any kind of damage. The police put up a temporary barrier around the statue, to keep further attacks in check.

Despite being known as a charismatic leader, opinions vary regarding Margaret Thatcher, UK’s first female prime minister. Margaret Thatcher was known famously for leading England against Argentina in the Falklands War.

Even though the UK emerged victorious during the Falklands War, the young Britishers then did not approve of Thatcher’s military actions. Some in England saw Thatcher as a savior of the UK economy as she brought in new laws which helped the UK public to navigate through the economic downturn brought forth by the Labor Party who preceded her.

But in some parts of England and Scotland, people dislike Thatcher due to her policies to close down coal mines, disrupt miners' strikes eventually put people out of their jobs.

Thatcher introduced a poll tax which was a form of council tax and levied taxes on all people at the same rate regardless of their income. This was hugely unpopular and is believed to have led to the fall of Thatcher.

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