Goulbourn cathedral to undergo major renovation

Goulbourn cathedral to undergo major renovation

Goulburn: The Goulburn St. Peter and Paul's Old Cathedral will undergo a $15 million renovation. Goulburn community and business leaders attended a presentation about the mega restoration project last week.

Catholic sector consultant Joe Zabar has completed a social and economic benefits study on the project. The cathedral is on a bid to be declared one of just six minor basilicas in Australia.

An application, signed off by all Australian archbishops, has been forwarded to Pope Francis.

Zabar described it as a "catalytic investment project" for the region. The restoration will guarantee 103 jobs during development, with visitor numbers projected to grow to 25,000 by 2025 and 86,000 by 2030 once the cathedral is declared a basilica.

The cathedral's re-opening and Pontifical blessing as a basilica, if approved, is expected to attract 1000 church and civil dignitaries to Goulburn in November.

The restoration committee chair, Dr Ursula Stephens, said the restoration would have "very significant connections for Catholics all around the world who engage in global pilgrimages".

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