Kakkanad - Cardinal Mar George Alencherry said that the Gospel of our times is to foster unity in the community not only in the times of prosperity but also when we experience sufferings. The Cardinal was speaking while inaugurating the general conference held at Mount St. Thomas, Kakkanad, in connection with the 1950th anniversary of the martyrdom of Saint Thomas, the Apostle of India and the pursuing Community Day celebrations.

“Let us Go and Die With Him”, the words of Saint Thomas to the fellow disciples reflects the path this great Apostle thought us. True Christian Witness of our times demands that we face failures and sufferings with the courage and support of the community rather than step back in fear, said the Cardinal.

The celebrations started in the morning with the hoisting of the flag in the church office by the Major Archbishop. The Rasa Qurbana was celebrated with Cardinal Mar George Alencherry as the main celebrant.

Curia Bishop Mar Sebastian Vaniyapurackal, Priests of the Curia and different dioceses, Superiors from various consecrated communities were the co-celebrants. The Superior General of the Vincentian Congregation, Rev. Dr. John Kandathinkara, delivered the homily.

Cardinal Mar Alancherry elevated Fr. Michael Karimattam to the position of Malpan (Teacher), the second priest to be conferred with the title. The Major Archbishop also congratulated and praised the Father for his selfless contributions towards the upkeep and preservation of faith. Various books authored by Malpan Fr. Michael Karimattam was also released during the public function.

Rev. Dr. Pius Malekandathil, Theologian and Scholar in Church history delivered the keynote address. The first Liturgical award organized by the liturgical commission was awarded to Metropolitan Archbishop Emeritus Mar Joseph Powathil.

Curia Bishop Mar Sebastian Vaniyapurackal, Chancellor Fr. Vincent Cheruvathur, Fr. Joji Kallingal also spoke during the occasion. Mother Superior General Sr. Philomy MSJ, Catholic Congress President Adv. Biju Parayannilam, Syro Malabar Youth Movement President Josmon Francis, Mathruvedi President Mrs. Reethamma, C. M. L. President Benoy Palliparampil were also present on the podium. Priests, Sisters, lay representatives from various Syro-Malabar dioceses and specially invited lay dignitaries participated in the celebration. Fr. Joseph Tolanical, Fr. Sebastian Muttamthottil, Fr. Thomas Melvettam led the celebrations.