Saint Paul Chong Hasang, the Korean Martyr

Saint Paul Chong Hasang, the Korean Martyr

Christian faith started spreading in Korea in the 17th century through some zealous lay people. Right from the beginning, they were subjected to terrible persecutions, and many of them suffered martyrdom in the 19th century. Notable among them were the first priest of Korea Fr. Andrew Kim Tae-gon and Paul Chong Hasang, the lay apostle.

Saint Paul Chong Hasang was born in Mahyon, Kyonggi Province, Korea, in 1795. His father, Augustine Chong Yak-jong, was a Catholic intellectual who had written the first Catholic catechism in the Korean language. Augustine was martyred in 1801. Thereafter, his family was persecuted and stripped of all their property. In spite of this hardship and tragedy, the devoutness of Paul's mother remained steadfast, and the family never denied their faith.

When he grew up, Hasang chose to become a servant of a government interpreter. This enabled him to travel to Beijing multiple times, where he entreated the bishop of Beijing to send priests to Korea. In 1825, he wrote to Pope Gregory XVI via the bishop of Beijing, requesting the establishment of a diocese in Korea. In 1831, largely through the efforts of Paul and his followers, the Vicarate of Korea was established, and the Paris Foreign Mission Society was placed in charge of the Church in Korea.

Paul travelled many times to China to escort foreign missionaries to Korea. Bishop Imbert was impressed by Paul's devotion to the faith and decided to prepare him for the priesthood. Before this could happen, however, a new persecution of Christians broke out in Korea. Bishop Imbert was forced to flee; Paul, his mother and sister were arrested.

While awaiting execution in prison, Paul wrote "A Letter to the Minister," defending the Catholic faith to the Korean government. This work impressed everyone; even enemies of the Church praised its eloquence. However, the government was not moved to alter its stance. The judge, after reading the letter, said, "You are right in what you have written; but the king forbids this religion, it is your duty to renounce it." Hasang replied, "I have told you that I am a Christian and will be one until my death."

After much suffering and torture, Paul and his family were beheaded outside Seoul on September 22, 1839.

Saint Paul Chong Hasang is considered as a leading figure in the revitalization and growth of the Church in Korea. Despite severe hardships and persecution, he kept his faith and served as a sterling example of piety for others.

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